Decolonizing Our Grief:

an introduction to liberating our hearts

A Zoom Webinar | Tuesday, August 20th, 2024

  • Do you want to learn how decolonizing your grief can reclaim your ability to honour your loss(es)?

  • Do you want to become empowered to break free from the constraints of a narrow, Western-centric understanding of grief?

  • Do you want to embrace a more honour driven, community based, and holistic approach to grief?

Amazing! You are not alone.

Join us for this packed hour of reclamation and empowerment.


This webinar’s objective is to provide participants with an understanding of how colonial frameworks have shaped our experiences and expressions of grief and to explore pathways toward more liberated and authentic expressions of mourning.

  • Understanding Colonial Frameworks Within Grief

    • A brief run down of how colonialism, neo-colonialism, patriarchy and white supremacy (you know, all those fun things) pervade our daily lives

    • A look into the impact of all those “fun things” on western grief practices

  • An Introduction to Liberating Our Hearts

    • Acknowledging how colonialism has severed our relationship to our ancestral knowing

    • Exploring non-colonial grief practices

    • Activity: Creating a personal grief ritual

What Is Included:

  • 1-hour live webinar presentation

  • Webinar recording for 12 months

  • Decolonial Grief Affirmations PDF

  • An opportunity for you to reconnect with your ancestral knowing


  • Free for Indigenous folks of Turtle Island, Palestinians and those who are financially struggling (Hey, no shame in that, friend!) Please email for zoom link:

    • ayako @

  • Suggested $10-$30USD for those who are financially stable

  • Suggested $30-$40USD for professionals in the grief space or those financially prospering (this helps us continue to provide free services for those struggling to pay)

  • Choose your own price on the checkout page

Meet Your Facilitator, Ayako

Ayako was born as an illegal settler on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Kwantlen, Tsawwassen, and other Coast Salish nations in Richmond, BC, Canada. Being of “mixed race”—Japanese mother and Scottish-Irish father—she never felt fully accepted by her ancestral cultures or even as a Canadian, facing daily racist micro-aggressions as a visible minority. Despite her imperialist and colonial heritage, she was raised with a strong moral compass, respecting Indigenous people through her mother’s love and admiration for Indigenous art and hearing bedtime stories of her father's activism in the British labour union movement.

A sense of global responsibility was evident in Ayako from an early age. In elementary school, she started a paper route to fund a sponsorship program for a family in Nepal. In high school, she volunteered on Vancouver’s East Side, supporting sex workers. While studying Sociology and Political Science at UBC, she mentored Indigenous teens through UNYA and organized impactful direct actions as a Canadian Board Member for Students for a Free Tibet. She spent her 20s backpacking and immersing herself in different cultures across Asia, Central and South America, spending a total of almost four years on the road. In her 30s, she founded a non-profit, Fundamentals for Change, which supported community projects in a garbage dump community of Kingston, Jamaica.

Her early stillbirth of her second child, Emiko, in 2020, shook her whole world. Without having any learned coping skills for grief from her parents or ancestral background, she was left depressed, isolated and alone. For the past four years, Ayako has been researching and finding ways to reclaim the sanctity of her grief and create new rituals and meanings in mourning, rooted in an anti-colonial mindset. 

To address the lack of post-loss support, Ayako created the Loss to Love app, the world’s first app providing emotional support for bereaved parents through all seasons of their grief.

Ayako currently still lives in, “Richmond”, with her two living children and her husband, minutes away from her parents, her father of which, is suffering from dementia.


  • Yes! Don't worry if you can't make it live on Tuesday, August 20th. By signing up today, you will ensure that you'll be sent the video recording to watch at your leisure for 12 months.

  • Anyone, of any background, can attend this webinar if they are experiencing financial challenges. No reasons or explanations are needed, just email: ayako @ losstolove. app

    The reason why we ask for some sort of monetary donation (whatever you can give is fine) to attend is because Loss to Love believes in compensating all their facilitators financially for the energy transfer it takes to hold space in these grief filled circles.

    Commerce can be ethical and is different than buying into the capitalist ideals.

    We appreciate and compensate our facilitators for the education, time, familial sacrifices and vicarious grief, that goes into every session.

    We hope you can appreciate this too! :)

  • Yes, please! Although the examples will be rooted in Ayako's lived experience of grieving her pregnancy loss, grief is universal and have, or will, touch us all. The topics discussed will be applicable to all of us.

    Everyone is welcome.

  • Of course, please! We will even be breaking down that social construct of "whiteness" and how that has hurt people's ability to connect with their ancestral lineages from European cultures.

    This webinar is for anyone looking to deepen or begin their reclaiming of pre-colonial inner knowing.

  • 100% YES. This webinar is for anyone that is looking to deepen their cultural connections or begin to examine how colonialism severed those relationships and how we can begin to repair them.

  • You can keep your camera on or off, whatever feels safe for you. Interactions and engagement will take place in the the chat.

    Please be reminded this webinar will be recorded on presentation mode.

    If you have living children, please see the below FAQ on children on screen.

  • We gently and respectfully ask that if your living children come into your camera view, please take down your camera until they're out of shot.

    This webinar will be recorded so we do not recommend children to be on camera for that reason and the second reason we request no living children on screen is because many folks tuning in may have just endured a pregnancy or child loss. It will help keep those focused on the content if there are no triggering distractions.

    You can always engage via the chat box regardless if your video is up or down.

    Thank you for understanding.

  • This is part of Loss to Love's work for reconciliation as we are grateful to work and live on the unceded territories that make up Canada. We refuse to make money off the backs of folks whose land we illegally occupy, as much of the grief they endure is caused by colonial systems.

    As for Palestinians, they are currently enduring immense vicarious and collective grief right now, so to honour their layered grief, offering this webinar for free is a way for L2L to say, We see you and we care for you.

    Folks, of any background, who are facing financial challenges are more than welcome to attend this workshop for free as well. There is no shame in that and no explanations needed.

    For all these folks, please email Ayako to get the link at: ayako @

  • Since everyone signing up will receive access to the recording for 12 months, your donation to attend is non-refundable.

  • Thank you! So excited that you are joining us. Within 24-48 hours of your registration, you will receive an email with the zoom link for Tuesday, August 20th.

    On the 21st, all those registered will receive another email with the recording link and the decolonial grief affirmations PDF.

    If any of these emails do not reach you in the above stated times, please contact ayako @ losstolove. app, as there may have been an issue with your inputted email address.

  • Please don’t hesitate to contact Ayako at: and she will happily answer any questions or concerns you have.

Grieving in an ancestrally rooted way is an act of resistance and a way to honour our full selves.
— Ayako Gallagher

PAL Healing Circle Cohort No. 3:

Tuesdays, July 2 - Aug 6 • six- weekly sessions • 5:00pm - 6:30pm PST

THIS WILL SELL OUT • Previous cohorts both filled up • Don’t miss out!

Being a part of an intimate group of PAL parents for six weeks will help you by:

  • Decreasing your sense of loneliness and anxiety

  • Feeling validated by peers who truly understand what you’ve been through

  • Increasing your connection with your loss and new babies

I honestly loved every minute of this group, and I am not typically someone who joins or enjoys groups. It is well thought out and planned, there is so much love and care put into every week, what makes it so unique and special is the fact that its made by a loss parent, for loss parents. I feel like I could continue on for the remainder of my pregnancy and into postpartum. I am so grateful for the work that Ayako and Emi are doing to change the experience of loss parents. Thank you!
— Cohort No. 2 Participant Review

What Is Included:

  • Six 1.5 hour virtual group sessions via Zoom

  • Professionally guided discussions covering weekly topics

  • Private Chat Forum on the Loss To Love App: Exclusively for your cohort peers to connect 24/7 (*during the program only)

  • FREE GIFTS ($90 value for FREE + includes shipping):

    • Two months FREE VIP Club Access in the Loss to Love App (access all support groups, virtual healing workshops, extended resources and all in-app chat rooms)

    • An Emi + Company Angel Baby Card Deck

    • Four Mindful Womb Colouring Sheets

    • A Digital PAL Affirmation Card Deck

    • Editable Hospital Door Sign

    • 44 Ways to Honour Your Baby Download


Total Value: $234CAD for only $144CAD

I loved everything about it, personally, I could have done longer (more sessions) - I would have done this my whole pregnancy!
— Cohort No. 1 Participant Review

Weekly Outline:

WEEK ONE: Tuesday, July 2 | Honouring Our Journeys:

Celebrating our loss babies and our stories as we enter this safe space together

WEEK TWO: Tuesday, July 9 | Naming and Taming Fear, Guilt and Shame:

Discussion on fear, guilt and shame in order to shift away from a place of anxiety

WEEK THREE: Tuesday, July 16 | Womb Healing:

Discussion on how loss can damage our trust with our bodies. Shift into connection, forgiveness and trust with our bodies again. Enjoy a womb cleansing meditation.

WEEK FOUR: Tuesday, July 23 | Honouring the Past, Present and Future:

We discuss how to build connection with our loss and living babies through traditions and ritual

WEEK FIVE: Tuesday, July 30 | Planning For The Birth:

Releasing our fears around labor and birth, empowering ourselves with planning and self advocacy

WEEK SIX: Tuesday, August 6 | Postpartum Preparation:

Living babies aren’t the only ones who need care after birth. We will focus on our talks on releasing fears, preparing for the physical and emotional journey ahead

So many FREE extras included (over $90CAD):

  • Private Group Chat on the new Loss to Love App: Exclusively for your cohort peers to connect 24/7 (*during the program only)

  • Two months FREE VIP Club Access in the Loss to Love App (access all support groups, virtual healing workshops, extended resources and all in-app chat rooms)

  • Mindful Womb Colouring Sheet Downloads (mailed to you)

  • Digital PAL Affirmation Card Deck (digital)

  • Emi + Company Angel Baby Card Set (mailed to you)

  • Editable Hospital Door Sign (digital)

  • 44 Ways to Honour Your Loss Baby Checklist (digital)


Total Value $234CAD for only $144CAD

Meet Your Facilitator, Ayako

Hosted by Loss To Love App’s Creator, Ayako Gallagher. Ayako also runs @mamasmatterhere on Instagram, she is an ICF Certified Grief Coach + PILSC Trained Group Facilitator, and most importantly, she is a bereaved parent herself who has gone through a pregnancy after loss too.

Ayako will lovingly guide this group through the uncharted waters of PAL. Through open conversations, professional insights and teachings, Ayako will help you calm the often anxious seas of PAL.

Ayako endured an early stillbirth of daughter, Emiko, in 2020 and an early miscarriage later that early during her secondary infertility struggle to get pregnant after loss. She then got pregnant after loss a year after Emi’s death with her now 2.5 year old “rainbow baby”, Keiko.

Her pregnancy after loss was isolating and anxiety-ridden. She created this program so that no one would have to feel as alone as she did.


  • Fearing another pregnancy loss is understandable and normal. Deep breaths, you got this and a gentle reminder that in most cases, the likely-hood of enduring another loss, goes down in PAL.

    Luckily, all previous attendees of this Healing Circle have gone to have their living babies :)

    However, if something does happen, you will not be burdened with more debt or isolation, you will have these options:

    1. Cancellation Prior to Week One (before July 2nd) - Your choice of either transferring your payment to six month access to the Loss to Love VIP Club (value $114USD or approximately $160CAD) to help you navigate your new loss (this way you can still attend support groups, healing workshops, extended resources and all in-app chat rooms) or a full refund minus $20 for the mailed gifts/cover shipping.

    2. Cancelling After Week One (July 3rd +) - Transfer your payment to six months access to the Loss to Love VIP Club for six months (value $114USD or approximately $160CAD) to help you navigate your new loss (this way you can still attend support groups, healing workshops, extended resources and all in-app chat rooms) or a pro-rated refund of your remaining weeks minus $20 for free gifts/shipping.

    1. Cancellation Prior to July 2nd / Week One - Your choice of transferring your payment to six months access to the Loss to Love VIP Club (value $114USD or approximately $160CAD) this way you can attend our many support groups, healing workshops, extended resources and all in-app chat rooms) or request a full refund except for $20CAD if free items have already been mailed.

    2. Cancelling after the 1st session (Between July 2nd but before July 8th - before session 2 on July 9th) your choice of either six month access to the Loss to Love VIP Club for six months (value $114USD or approximately $160CAD) to help you navigate your new loss (this way you can still attend support groups, healing workshops, extended resources and all in-app chat rooms) or a pro-rated refund of your remaining weeks minus $20 for free gifts/shipping

    3. Cancelling after July 10th, after the 2nd session - Sorry, no refunds. As this program sells out each time it would be too late to bring someone in from the waitlist.

  • To honour everyone at their unique spot in their journeys, we gently ask all participants to keep any living children off camera and off sound. If they do come into your room, we request you take down your mic and camera. You can still watch the group and interact via the chat function.

  • The focus of this particular support group is on the birthing folks who are carrying their current pregnancy. If you'd like your partner beside you for support, that is alright but the conversation is driven solely for birthing people.

  • 100% YES. All of Loss to Love’s offerings are supportive and inclusive for all types of loss and child death. Group expectations will be covered at the beginning of every session. Don’t hesitate to email if you have further questions or concerns: ayako@lossto


  • To foster a safe and comfortable space for connection, we encourage this to be a cameras-on group. But please feel comfortable to show up in your sweats, in bed, or however you're most comfortable! :) Please see FAQ about living children above if you have questions about that.

  • Each cohort is capped at 12 participants. This small number maintains an intimate feeling and allows space for everyone to share.

    Each previous cohort has sold out so don’t delay in holding your spot!

  • Please don’t hesitate to contact Ayako at: and she will happily answer any questions or concerns you have.

I really appreciated being gently pushed to think about things I was scared to (postpartum, my birth experience, etc.) These are things I might have just let happen to me instead of taking the time to prepare myself at least a little bit.
— Ellie - Cohort No. 2 Participant