The Backstory

When Ayako was told that her daughter, Emiko, had died, she was sent home from the ER to return the next day for induction. That night as Ayako lay in bed, with tears rolling down her face, she frantically scoured the internet for resources and community; an explanation, a validation. Anything. It was confusing, overwhelming and isolating.

She searched in the app store for “miscarriage”, “stillbirth”, “pregnancy loss” and not a single app came up.

It has been almost four years since that dark night and Ayako and ever since then, she has been wanting to create an easier way for bereaved parents to access the very resources she so desperately craved and couldn’t find.

Since 2020, Ayako has been chronicling her journey after loss on her Instagram community @mamasmatterhere. Through candid posts, she shares the genuine ups and downs, victories and setbacks of navigating life after pregnancy loss.

The Loss to Love app symbolizes Ayako's transition into a new phase of grief, where she is purposefully creating a supportive space for fellow bereaved parents, ensuring that no one ever experiences the profound isolation she once endured.

The mission?

To make it easier on bereaved parents to find resources, community and connection through an app.

The vision?

To redefine the post loss grief journey to be one of inclusion, validation and honour.

  • Are you ready to join a community of welcoming and compassionate loss parents that just, “get it”?

  • Are you looking for ways to make your grief feel not as heavy and burdensome?

  • Are you seeking ways to honour your grief and connect with others are also mourning the loss of a future?

  • Come join Ayako, a team of caring professionals and a growing community in Loss to Love. It is always free to download and you’re always welcomed as you are.

